Disregarding all the above matters we've brought to you a new method say a hack to exploit the security of Facebook yea! And that is to change your Facebook password without knowing the old one. Not taking much of your time coming to the point now.
Change your Facebook password devoid of your previous password.Follow the simple steps as showed by me:
Step 1: Type in the address bar : http://www.facebook.com/hacked
Open your Facebook account or if it's simply open head towards the address bar and type the following:
http://www/facebook.com/hacked or simply click here 'if' you're logged in your account. Remember hacked keyword in the address is very very important or I must say that it's the key of the hack.
If you still got a problem in getting the steps I've got an image for you down here.

Step 2: Ahead the page by clicking the continue button.Description:
Simply read the directions/instructions given there (that's for your own comprehension) and merely click on the continue button. On this page Facebook says that "If you think someone used your Facebook account without permission or you've got a virus on your computer, we can try to help."
Forget about all the above stuff in case you know what are you doing 'Coz `you` wanna change your Facebook password.
If any dilemma follow the picture given below:

Step 3: Keep going further by clicking the continue button.Description:
Okey! Now you will be directed towards something like `www.facebook.com/checkpoint`. Don't heck out! This' just nothing yea it says that: "Secure your account - To help keep your Facebook account secure we'll take you through a few steps to change your Facebook password and make sure any recent changes to your account came from you." What do you think? You're gonna have a check that says: Identify the photos of your friends or something like that? Nah it's not like that. Just merely click the continue button.
If any crisis follow the picture below:

Step 4: Type your desired new password.Description:
Well ... shocked aren't you! Well ... I was the same before. This is a huge vulnerability of Facebook.
Just type in your desired password, Re-enter or say confirm it and click the continue button.
If any trouble occurs follow below:

Step 5: Select your email address from below & if you want to add a new one fill the box that says: Enter new email.Description:
Okay! We've been heading towards the end of this journey soon ... Well ... this page says something like this : "Review the Email Address on Your Account." It's simple just select the email that belongs to your and only you have the access to it (only you) else if not selected any! the unchecked will be removed from your account. If you want to add a new email just fill the box with the new mail that says: `Enter new email`. That's it and click continue for further steps.
If any problem occurs follow below:

Step 6: Confirm that only you have the access to your email by checking the box and click continue.Description:
Well ... this is a simple step, You just need to verify that you own the email that you've ticked or entered in the previous page. Because anyone that knows the password of your email will be able to login in your Facebook account. Facebook recommends to change it, I leave this on to you whether to change or not 'Coz in this tutorial I am showing your to change your password when you've logged in your account. Anyways, Check the box that says: "Only I know the password for `yourusername@yourmail.com`" and click continue.
For any difficulties follow the picture below:

Step 7: This steps is an extra security feature. You may neglect or put your efforts on it.Description:
This steps says that we have finished securing our account and we are logged in now. If you want to keep your account secure/safe in the upcoming future you can modify or turn on/off the extra security features mentioned there. It includes your 'Trusted Contacts' modification and to add a cell phone no if not added. Well ... I prefer to click the continue button.
If any dilemma refer the image below:

Step 8: This step helps to review your recent activity. You can skip this one too.Description:
Okay! This is an accessory characteristic that's provided by Facebook: "Review Recent Activity".
This suggest to have a look on to the recents posts, updates, likes, comments or the activity that was made recently. If you can see any activity that was not done by you or you want it removed then you can remove it. If not you can skip this step.
Any crisis the below image will assist you:

And bang! You're done. You will be directed to your home page. And please do remember your new password 'Coz once you've hit the log out button you may need that :P Indeed!
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